Team Unity Inc. [through UNITYSports Productions] is a proud partner/board member of
“The National Organization of Each One Teach One.” – Organizers of the various basketball camps @Rucker Park (Harlem); The Rucker Pro Legends and the Golden Hoops.
Founded in 1967; The mission of Each One Teach One (A 501 (c) 3 Public Charity) is to create a safe, environment where greater New York City Metro residents; most notably inner-city youth (K-12) can be nurtured and prepared through workshops to pursue higher education as well as lifetime fitness.
Using the fundamentals of basketball; “Each One Teach One” exposes youth to the language and terminologies used in the game of basketball; establishing mentorships with former basketball professionals, collegiate players, and business leaders from the greater Harlem community.
We are currently revamping our web and social media presence – meanwhile, for additional information about out 2023 season, please email us at: